“The Masks We Wear”

Halloween’s Famous Ninja Turtle Corgi

Halloween’s Famous Ninja Turtle Corgi

No one ever comes to our Northwest Austin door for Halloween. But this year, I’m not in Austin. Where am I, you ask? In the Pacific Northwest house-sitting on Whidbey Island, and I’m betting we have some spooky guests Friday night. I better get prepared.

We also have the auspicious job of taking care of Gracie, a 5-year-old Corgi. Though she is not the pictured Corgi above, she is just as tough and mighty. She would be fierce in that mask.

I’m wondering what masks the little tricksters will be wearing on Halloween night. Who will they pretend to be?

What mask are you going to wear for Halloween? What masks do you wear during the rest of the year? Are they necessary? Who are you pretending to be?

“You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it,” so says author Alan Moore.

Fanny Brice said, “Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?”

A mask at Halloween can be fun, but the rest of the year, maybe it’s time to take off the mask and remember who you are, remember your story.

Because…the most important story you’ll ever hear is the one you tell yourself.

So, Happy Halloween. What mask would you like to let go of?


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    3 thoughts on ““The Masks We Wear””

    1. Greetings, iconoclastic one.

      Thanks for this Halloween treat. Traveling mercies.


    2. Magdalaena Rushinera

      Yep and Yikes!! I choose to be naked-tized, stripped, bare,unveiled, peeled–hey leafless is good, -denuded——thank you Thesaurus. Now naked-tized is my word!
      What mask would I like to let go of? The mask that hides my brilliance and power behind “I think I can’t do it——-Whatever “it” is. Arf arf!!! In loving gratitude. Magda

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